In February 2020, bushfires forced the cancellation of the sixth Q Symposium (Q6) at Q Station, the former quarantine site for Sydney, Australia. Then the pandemic put paid to plans for a December event.
The emergency of climate change and the exponential spread of COVID was a wake-up call for us and many others. Our response was to stage Q6 as a virtual event, from here in a Sydney studio to there at Q Station to everywhere through multiple media. We were, in effect, metaphysically entangled and superpositioned but under conditions of increasing microphysical uncertainty; on the last session of the last day the collective wave function collapsed as Sydney went into its second COVID lockdown. The good news is that we captured everything, so that you can now enjoy the many worlds of Q6 in your own time and at your own pace.
Q6 Highlights | Day 1

Q6 Highlights | Day 2