Nicholas Harrington

About Nicholas Harrington

I hold a PhD from the University of Sydney. My dissertation, titled "Political Complementarity: Thomas Hobbes, Niels Bohr, and the Problem of Sovereignty," compared the philosophical foundations of Thomas Hobbes and Niels Bohr, with the ultimate purpose of developing a concept of the political based upon Bohr’s theory of Complementarity. The research concerns epistemology; ideational development; the history, philosophy, and sociology of science; and, the rational development of political systems. When I'm not punching keyboard keys I play (a lot of) Magic the Gathering (any other owners of fine, luxury cardboard rectangles, please message me).
5 08, 2021

A Complementary Analysis of Vaccine Hesitancy

2021-08-05T07:55:04+10:00By |Politics, Quantum Philosophy|

Through the quantum-inspired ‘complementary’ method of analysis, we come [...]

12 07, 2021

Quantum Technology and the Tyranny of COVID

2021-07-12T17:54:42+10:00By |Computing, Politics, Research|

Existing quantum technologies can be employed to retain liberty, [...]

22 06, 2021

Quantum-Proofing the Blockchain

2021-06-22T07:33:47+10:00By |Computing, Finance, Security|

Despite almost universal consensus that cryptocurrencies face an impending [...]

26 05, 2021

Social Entanglement

2021-05-26T19:02:17+10:00By |Entanglement, Politics, Quantum Philosophy, Uncertainty|

Entanglement is the quantum phenomenon that brings us closer [...]

26 04, 2021

The Art of Showing: Review Article

2021-04-26T19:04:10+10:00By |Politics, Quantum IR, Quantum Philosophy|

Nicholas Harrington reviews Quantum Social Theory for Critical International [...]

27 03, 2021

An Equitable Solution to the Problem of AI Discrimination

2021-05-06T03:57:29+10:00By |Computing, Politics, Quantum AI|

Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms generate prejudicial outcomes [...]

19 02, 2021

Quantum Surveillance

2021-05-06T03:58:04+10:00By |Computing, Politics, Quantum AI, Security|

If quantum surveillance, by leveraging quantum algorithms and unlimited access to metadata, could identify individuals in society who seek to do harm – and do so in a way that ensures the innocent were never abused and information was never compromised – is this something society should adopt?

21 12, 2020

Time, What Time?

2021-05-06T03:58:25+10:00By |Politics, Quantum IR, Uncertainty|

Newton, Einstein, and Bohr argued for different understandings of time. When we look back on 2020, at what feels like an historical Black Swan, we should ask ourselves, ‘which understanding of time is most appropriate for our social reality: Classical, Relative, or Quantum?’ 

9 12, 2020

Roger Penrose Versus the World

2021-05-06T03:58:46+10:00By |Computing, Quantum AI|

In 1989, Sir Roger Penrose argued artificial intelligence was [...]

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