Nicholas Harrington

About Nicholas Harrington

I hold a PhD from the University of Sydney. My dissertation, titled "Political Complementarity: Thomas Hobbes, Niels Bohr, and the Problem of Sovereignty," compared the philosophical foundations of Thomas Hobbes and Niels Bohr, with the ultimate purpose of developing a concept of the political based upon Bohr’s theory of Complementarity. The research concerns epistemology; ideational development; the history, philosophy, and sociology of science; and, the rational development of political systems. When I'm not punching keyboard keys I play (a lot of) Magic the Gathering (any other owners of fine, luxury cardboard rectangles, please message me).
2 05, 2023

Geoffrey Hinton’s Frankenstein

2023-05-02T21:50:46+10:00By |Cognition, Computing, Ethics|

How should we, mere mortals, interpret the volte-face of [...]

3 02, 2023

The Epistemology of AI

2023-02-09T22:51:31+11:00By |Cognition, Computing, Quantum AI, Quantum Philosophy|

At present, AI is a tool – a digital [...]

11 05, 2022

When the Scorpion Strikes

2024-01-08T19:23:23+11:00By |Computing, Quantum AI, Research|

Investors beware: Futurist technology stock is low-hanging fruit for [...]

13 04, 2022

How to Avoid ‘Quantum Hype’

2022-04-13T04:19:57+10:00By |Quantum Philosophy, Research|

In response to quantum physicists who excoriated my latest [...]

23 03, 2022

Quantizing the Invasion of Ukraine

2022-03-24T00:01:50+11:00By |Quantum IR, Security, Uncertainty|

The invasion of Ukraine is analysed and interpreted using [...]

22 12, 2021

Quantum Art

2021-12-22T20:17:40+11:00By |Computing, Quantum Philosophy|

Installation view of Refik Anadol ‘Quantum Memories, 2020’ on [...]

30 11, 2021

Duelling Political Realities: Kyle Rittenhouse, Self-Defence, and Systemic Racism

2021-11-30T07:37:00+11:00By |Politics, Quantum Philosophy|

Public and media responses to the trial and acquittal [...]

8 09, 2021

Uncertainty and the COVID Pandemic

2021-09-10T00:58:28+10:00By |Politics, Quantum Philosophy, Uncertainty|

Uncertainty is the reason we can’t contain new COVID [...]

17 08, 2021

Time Crystals and the Quantum Mindset

2021-08-17T16:11:17+10:00By |Entanglement, Quantum Philosophy|

There is sufficient experimental evidence to suggest it’s time [...]

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